Pickle Rick writeup — THM

Noobie PH
3 min readFeb 22, 2021


Figure 1.1 (Banner)


This is my Documentation for Pickle Rick room in TryHackMe. This room is about exploiting the webserver to find 3 ingredients that will help Rick make his potion to transform himself back into a human from a pickle.

Link: https://tryhackme.com/room/picklerick

Resources Used:
Kali VM


nmap -sC -sV

Figure 1.2

From the scan results, we can derive that 2 services are running:
1. 22 (SSH) (OpenSSH)
2. 80 (HTTP) (Apache httpd)

Web Recon:
Let’s poke at the Webserver and see it’s contents.

Figure 1.3

Looks like just a message from Rick. Let’s check the source code to get more information.

Figure 1.4

We got a Username from the source code, Now let’s look for the Password. Maybe we can try looking for the directories using Gobuster.

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x php,html,zip,txt

Figure 1.5

Now we got login.php,assets,portal.php,robots.txt. Let’s look at the robots.txt if we can find anything useful.

We got a weird text “Wubbalubbadubdub” maybe it is the password for the login.php

Figure 1.7

Tried to login in /login.php and It worked!

Figure 1.7

Now we have this Command Panel. Let’s try to put some command like ls -al

Figure 1.8

It worked! Try to read a file.

cat Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt

Figure 1.9

Looks like some commands are disabled. Let’s try other commands to read the file. Now we will try less

less Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt

It worked!! We got the first ingredient!

Figure 1.10 (First Flag)

I tried sudo -l and it seems like we can use sudo!

sudo -l

Figure 1.11

Now let’s find the other ingredients!

Yehey! I found the second ingredient in /home/rick

We will use less again to read the content of the file.

less /home/rick/”second ingredients”

Figure 1.12 (Second Flag)

Okay, Let’s find the last ingredient now. We’ll try to look at /root directory using sudo.

sudo ls -al /root

Figure 1.13

Weepeeeee!! We found the last ingredient! Use sudo to get the content of the file!

sudo less /root/3rd.txt

Figure 1.14 (Third Flag)

Yeheyyyyy!!! We’re finally done! Thanks for reading my writeup! :D



Noobie PH
Noobie PH

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